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- 10 poke53269,0
- 20 print"[147]":k$="1":k1$=k$:
- 30 poke53281,0:poke53280,0
- 40 poke147,0:sys57812"s8.spr",8,1:sys62631
- 50 poke147,0:sys57812"s8.fnt",8,1:sys62631
- 60 dim ta$(17):poke53272,29:goto1640
- 70 ta$(1)="1 & 2":ta$(2)="1 & 3":ta$(3)="1 & 4":ta$(4)="2 & 6":ta$(5)="2 & 5"
- 80 ta$(7)="3 & 4":ta$(8)="3 & 5":ta$(9)="3 & 6":ta$(10)="3 & 7":ta$(11)="4 & 6"
- 90 ta$(12)="4 & 7":ta$(13)="5 & 6":ta$(14)="5 & 8":ta$(15)="6 & 8"
- 100 ta$(16)="6 & 7":ta$(17)="7 & 8":ta$(6)="2 & 3"
- 110 v=53248:fort=0to7:poke2040+t,224+t:pokev+39+t,1:nextt:print"[147]":gosub980
- 120 fort=0to7:readx:ready:pokev+t*2,x:pokev+(t*2)+1,y:nextt
- 130 pokev+21,255
- 140 data 57,64,57,113,57,162,57,211
- 150 data 199,64,199,113,199,162,199,211
- 160 x=57:y=64:ti$="000000"
- 170 x1=v::y1=v+1
- 180 x1=(val(k$)-1)*2+v:y1=(val(k$)-1)*2+v+1
- 185 forqq=53287to53294:pokeqq,5:next:poke53286+val(k$),1
- 190 getk$:ifk$=""thengosub1390:goto190
- 195 poke214,8:print:printtab(30)" "
- 200 poke53280,0
- 210 print""tab(30)" "
- 220 if k$>="0" and k$<="8" then k1$=k$:goto290
- 230 if k$="[145]"then310
- 240 if k$="[157]"then320
- 250 if k$=""then330
- 260 if k$=""then340
- 270 if k$=chr$(13) then410
- 275 if k$="q"then932
- 280 goto 190
- 290 x1=(val(k$)-1)*2+v:y1=(val(k$)-1)*2+v+1:k1$=k$
- 295 forqq=53287to53294:pokeqq,5:next:poke53286+val(k$),1
- 300 x=peek(x1):y=peek(y1):goto190
- 310 y=y-49:gosub380:pokey1,y:goto190
- 320 x=x-71:gosub350:pokex1,x:goto190
- 330 x=x+71:gosub350:pokex1,x:goto190
- 340 y=y+49:gosub380:pokey1,y:goto190
- 350 if x>199thenx=199
- 360 if x<57thenx=57
- 370 return
- 380 if y>211theny=211
- 390 if y<64theny=64
- 400 return
- 410 restore:fort=1to16:readzz:nextt:rem poke53269,0:te=0
- 420 fort=0to7:x(t)=peek(v+t*2):nextt
- 430 fort=0to7:y(t)=peek((v+t*2)+1):nextt
- 440 print""tab(30)" ";
- 450 print"[157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157]";
- 460 fora=1to4:readx:ready:fort=0to7
- 470 ifx(t)=x and y(t)=ythen poke53280,2:print"[158]"t+1"[157]";:te=10
- 480 nextt
- 490 nexta:print:ifte=10then k$=k1$:te=0:goto290
- 500 data 57,64,57,211,199,64,199,211
- 510 fort=0to7:ifx(t)=128andy(t)=64thentb(1)=t+1:goto 530
- 520 nextt
- 530 fort=0to7:ifx(t)=57andy(t)=113thentb(2)=t+1:goto 550
- 540 nextt
- 550 fort=0to7:ifx(t)=128andy(t)=113thentb(3)=t+1:goto 570
- 560 nextt
- 570 fort=0to7:ifx(t)=199andy(t)=113thentb(4)=t+1:goto 590
- 580 nextt
- 590 fort=0to7:ifx(t)=57andy(t)=162thentb(5)=t+1:goto 610
- 600 nextt
- 610 fort=0to7:ifx(t)=128andy(t)=162thentb(6)=t+1:goto 630
- 620 nextt
- 630 fort=0to7:ifx(t)=199andy(t)=162thentb(7)=t+1:goto 650
- 640 nextt
- 650 fort=0to7:ifx(t)=128andy(t)=211thentb(8)=t+1:goto 660
- 660 nextt
- 680 a=tb(1):te=0
- 690 ifa=tb(2)-1 or a=tb(2)+1 thente=1:goto 950
- 700 ifa=tb(3)-1 or a=tb(3)+1 thente=2:goto 950
- 710 ifa=tb(4)-1 or a=tb(4)+1 thente=3:goto 950
- 720 a=tb(2)
- 730 ifa=tb(6)-1 or a=tb(6)+1 thente=4:goto 950
- 740 ifa=tb(5)-1 or a=tb(5)+1 thente=5:goto 950
- 750 ifa=tb(2)-1 or a=tb(3)+1 thente=6:goto 950
- 760 a=tb(3)
- 770 ifa=tb(4)-1 or a=tb(4)+1 thente=7:goto 950
- 780 ifa=tb(5)-1 or a=tb(5)+1 thente=8:goto 950
- 790 ifa=tb(6)-1 or a=tb(6)+1 thente=9:goto 950
- 800 ifa=tb(7)-1 or a=tb(7)+1 thente=10:goto 950
- 810 a=tb(4)
- 820 ifa=tb(6)-1 or a=tb(6)+1 then te=11:goto 950
- 830 ifa=tb(7)-1 or a=tb(7)+1 thente=12:goto 950
- 840 a=tb(5)
- 850 ifa=tb(6)-1 or a=tb(6)+1 thente=13:goto 950
- 860 ifa=tb(8)-1 or a=tb(8)+1 thente=14:goto 950
- 870 a=tb(6)
- 880 ifa=tb(8)-1 or a=tb(8)+1 thente=15:goto 950
- 890 ifa=tb(7)-1 or a=tb(7)+1 thente=16:goto 950
- 900 a=tb(7)
- 910 ifa=tb(8)-1 or a=tb(8)+1 thente=17:goto 950
- 920 poke214,18:print:printtab(20)"[129][193][203][203][203][203][203][203][203][203][203][203][203][203][203][203][203][203][203][212]"
- 922 printtab(20)"[195][158]good!!! now ask a[129][195]"
- 924 printtab(20)"[195][158]friend to try it.[129][195]"
- 926 printtab(20)"[195][159]play again? (y[159]/n[159])[129][195]"
- 928 printtab(20)"[200][203][203][203][203][203][203][203][203][203][203][203][203][203][203][203][203][203][208]"
- 929 poke53280,rnd(0)*16
- 930 getk$:ifk$<>"y"andk$<>"n"then929
- 931 ifk$="y"then940
- 932 print"[147]":poke53269,0:poke54272,21
- 933 open15,8,15,"r0:hello connect=hello connect":input#15,er%,k$,k$,k$
- 934 ifer%<>63thenend
- 935 print"[147][144]load"chr$(34)"hello connect"chr$(34)",8"
- 936 print"run"
- 937 poke631,13:poke632,13:poke633,13:poke198,3:end
- 940 ti$="000000":restore:print"[147]":poke53269,0:gosub980:goto120
- 950 print"[158]"tab(31);ta$(te)" ":poke53280,4
- 970 k$=k1$:goto290
- 980 fort=1024to1063:poket,75:poket+960,75:nextt
- 990 fort=1024to2023step40:poket,67:poket+39,67:nextt
- 1000 poke1024,65:poke1063,84:poke1984,72:poke2023,80
- 1010 print" [193][203][203][203][203][203][203][203][212]
- 1020 [153]" len len
- 1030 print" [195] [195]
- 1040 [153]" len len
- 1050 print" [195][158]1. [195]
- 1070 print" [195] [195] [195] [195]
- 1080 [153]" len len len len
- 1090 print" [195] [195] [195] [195]
- 1100 [153]" len len len len
- 1110 print" [195][158]2. [195][158]3. [195][158]4. [195]
- 1130 print" [195] [195] [195] [195]
- 1140 [153]" len len len len
- 1150 print" [195] [195] [195] [195]
- 1160 [153]" len len len len
- 1170 print" [195][158]5. [195][158]6. [195][158]7. [195]
- 1190 print" [195] [195]
- 1200 [153]" len len
- 1210 print" [195] [195] q [159]- quit"
- 1220 print" [195][158]8. [195]
- 1230 [153]" left$(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)"
- 1240 [153]"(NULL)":[151]1183,91:[151]1303,91:[151]1463,91
- 1250 [153][163]29)"valclrtouching:"
- 1260 [153][163]29)"val"
- 1270 [153][163]29)"right$mid$mid$mid$mid$mid$mid$mid$mid$mid$"
- 1280 [153][163]29)"peekmid$mid$mid$mid$mid$mid$mid$mid$mid$"
- 1290 [153][163]29)"valclrwrong"
- 1300 [153][163]29)"valclrplace:"
- 1310 [153][163]29)"val"
- 1320 [153][163]29)"right$mid$mid$mid$mid$mid$mid$mid$mid$mid$"
- 1330 [153][163]29)"peekmid$mid$mid$mid$mid$mid$mid$mid$mid$"
- 1340 [153][163]29)"valclrtime:
- 1360 printtab(29)"[197]"
- 1370 printtab(29)"[201][202][202][202][202][202][202][202][202][202]"
- 1380 return
- 1390 poke214,14:print:printtab(31)ti$:return
- 1400 print"[158][147]":fort=1024to1063:poket,75:poket+960,75:nextt
- 1410 fort=1024to2023step40:poket,67:poket+39,67:nextt
- 1420 poke1024,65:poke1063,84:poke1984,72:poke2023,80
- 1430 fort=0to6:pokev+t*2+1,60:nextt
- 1440 pokev+39,2:pokev+40,7:pokev+41,4:pokev+42,10:pokev+43,5:pokev+44,13
- 1450 print"
- 1460 [153]"sys(NULL)mid$mid$mid$mid$mid$mid$mid$mid$mid$mid$mid$mid$mid$mid$mid$mid$mid$mid$mid$mid$mid$mid$mid$mid$mid$mid$mid$mid$mid$mid$mid$mid$mid$mid$mid$mid$mid$mid$(NULL)
- 1470 print"[154] try to place the numbers 1 through 8"
- 1480 print" in the boxes so that consecutive"
- 1490 print" numbers are [159]not[154] next to each other,"
- 1500 print" not even diagonally."
- 1510 print
- 1520 print"[158][218][202][202][202][202][202][202][202][202][202][202][202][202][202][202][202][202][202][202][202][202][202][202][202][202][202][202][202][202][202][202][202][202][202][202][202][202][202][202][219]
- 1530 [153]" you can move numbers not ready for"
- 1540 [153]" placing into the four corners until"
- 1550 [153]" you are ready to place them."
- 1560 [153]"sys(NULL)mid$mid$mid$mid$mid$mid$mid$mid$mid$mid$mid$mid$mid$mid$mid$mid$mid$mid$mid$mid$mid$mid$mid$mid$mid$mid$mid$mid$mid$mid$mid$mid$mid$mid$mid$mid$mid$mid$(NULL)
- 1570 print"[156] press the number of the sprite you"
- 1580 print" want to move then use the [159]cursor"
- 1590 print" keys.[156] press [159]return[156] when you"
- 1595 print" think you have the solution."
- 1610 print"press any key to continue"
- 1620 gettu$:iftu$=""then1620
- 1630 print"[147]":poke53269,0:return
- 1640 print"[158][147]":fort=1024to1063:poket,75:poket+960,75:nextt
- 1650 fort=1024to2023step40:poket,67:poket+39,67:nextt
- 1660 poke1024,65:poke1063,84:poke1984,72:poke2023,80
- 1670 print"
- 1680 [153]" by clrgilles drouin
- 1690 print" [158][203][203][203][203][203][203][203][203][203][203][203][203][203]
- 1700 [153]" (c) 1989
- 1705 print" all rights reserved."
- 1720 v=53248:fort=0to7:poke2040+t,232+t:pokev+39+t,1:nextt
- 1730 pokev+21,63
- 1740 fort=0to7:pokev+t*2,100:pokev+t*2+1,0:nextt:s=3
- 1750 fort=0to200steps:pokev+11,t:nextt
- 1760 fort=100to255steps:pokev+10,t:nextt
- 1770 fort=200to70step-s:pokev+11,t:nextt
- 1780 fort=0to200steps:pokev+9,t:nextt
- 1790 fort=100to255steps:pokev+8,t:nextt
- 1800 fort=200to70step-s:pokev+9,t:nextt
- 1810 fort=255to220step-s:pokev+8,t:nextt
- 1820 fort=0to200steps:pokev+7,t:nextt
- 1830 fort=100to255steps:pokev+6,t:nextt
- 1840 fort=200to70step-s:pokev+7,t:nextt
- 1850 fort=255to190step-s:pokev+6,t:nextt
- 1860 fort=0to200steps:pokev+5,t:nextt
- 1870 fort=100to255steps:pokev+4,t:nextt
- 1880 fort=200to70step-s:pokev+5,t:nextt
- 1890 fort=255to160step-s:pokev+4,t:nextt
- 1900 fort=0to200steps:pokev+3,t:nextt
- 1910 fort=100to255steps:pokev+2,t:nextt
- 1920 fort=200to70step-s:pokev+3,t:nextt
- 1930 fort=255to130step-s:pokev+2,t:nextt
- 1940 fort=0to200steps:pokev+1,t:nextt
- 1950 fort=100to255steps:pokev+0,t:nextt
- 1960 fort=200to70step-s:pokev+1,t:nextt
- 1970 fort=255to100step-s:pokev+0,t:nextt
- 1980 print"[164][203][203][203][203][203][203][203][203][203][203][203][203][203][203][203][203][203][203][203][203][203][203][203][203][203][203][203][203][203][220]
- 1990 [153]"val do you want instructions? val"
- 2010 getin$:ifin$=""then2010
- 2020 ifin$="y"thengosub1400:goto70
- 2030 ifin$="n"thenpoke53269,0:goto70
- 2040 goto 2010
- 10000 open15,8,15,"s0:super 8":close15:save"super 8",8:end